Coming soon.
A complete listing of staff and teacher emails and phone numbers can be found here.
FACTS SIS is STM's online resource for homework and progress reports in grades K-8, and for all families to buy school lunch and sign-up for extended care. Login is necessary and can be found here.
Parents are required to report absentees by calling the school at (847) 742- 3959 by 8:00 am each day that a student will be absent from school. Students are required to bring a note detailing his/her absence when he/she returns to school.
The school publishes a weekly newsletter, More News, which is sent via email weekly to parents and posted on the school's website.
Before and after care programs are available at STM. Click here for more information.
Yes! All students at STM wear uniforms. Uniform guidelines and where to buy uniforms can be found here.
STM welcomes your time, treasure, and talent! There are many volunteer opportunities you can find out more about here. All volunteers must complete the Rockford Diocese's Safe Environmnent Program.
Faith formation is paramount to an education at STM. Students attend Mass weekly and celebrate Sacraments. Find more information here.
Familes may apply for financial aid through F.A.C.T.S.
There are times when school may be cancelled due to inclement weather. Click here for more details.
The school offers many opportunities for extra-curricular activities! You find information here.